Toddler lunch with octodogs
* cut-up hiyashi chuuka (Japanese pasta salad: tomatoes, egg, cucumber, and salami slices with cold pasta and soy sauce-based salad dressing)
* fresh pineapple (still using that up!)
* octopus-cut hot dogs on a bed of cucumber slices
* container of ketchup for hot dogs, container of yogurt/herb dip for cucumber
* drink container with apple, berry and cherry juice cut with water
I cut the tops of the octodogs because my toddler chokes on full-width hotdogs. Also substituted salami for the traditional sliced ham in the hiyashi chuuka. In my new Lock & Lock bento set,
An exploded view of the little Lock & Lock bento set — the Korean tupperware by Hanacobi Co. You can see that the bottom right container is divided, while the bottom left container is not. The bottom two containers are 350ml each (12 oz), with a 300ml drink container/cup on top. Microwave/dishwasher/freezer- safe, and water/air-tight.
The containers all stack and fit into their own little fitted carrying case with zipper.